February 3rd, 2015
Posted February 4, 2015 at 10:06 am
Why tell you now when we can have a whole book about it?
So, that's it for the fifth story! Hope you enjoyed it. I'll be taking my traditional short break so I can work out a thing or two for the next story, and we'll resume on Friday 20th February! Until then, I'll be doing character Q&A sketches on the usual update days, which should be fun.
If you enjoyed the story and would be so kind as to show your support with a coin or two, you can donate to Widdershins monthly via Patreon, or make a one-off donation via Paypal here! Alternately, check out the Widdershins store for books, ebooks, keyrings and such, including the new copies of Volume Four- Piece of Cake!
No pennies to spare, but would like to show support anyway? Link the comic to your friends on Twitter or Tumblr, perhaps!
Either way, I'm just happy you read it and hope you liked it as much as I liked making it. I feel like I learned a few things writing-wise during this one, for sure, hopefully it showed.